Introducing the new Woosmap Distance API

We are thrilled to announce the release of Woosmap Distance API , a service providing road travel distance and duration calculations, on a Worldwide scale :earth_americas:.

Fully integrated to the Woosmap platform, it can be combined with other APIs to build advanced location based scenarios (e.g. search for closest stores or services, ressources / tasks affectation, …).

distance-api Distance API Documentation

:old_key: Key Features

You can get distances and durations for a matrix of origins and destinations, based on the recommended route between start and end points for a specified travel mode.

  • mode: compute distance for different travel modes, cycling :bike: driving :oncoming_automobile: or walking :walking_woman:
  • language: results could be returned for different languages such as :fr: :es: :de: :uk: :us: :it:

:compass: What’s next?

As for all our other APIs, the Woosmap Distance API is a fully hosted service with first class SLA.
Feel free to integrate it and open issues or share any feedback on our community forum!