November 18, 2021, 8:15am
Hi, I’m trying to put a label inside a Marker but it seems not working. So I want to know please if it’s possible to do that or i have juste o load many images peer case ?
I’m tried many times to use Marker.setLabel() but it does not work…
Any help will be appreciated.
Best regards.
November 18, 2021, 9:30am
Hello @Hamza , thanks for joining the Woosmap Community.
Are you using Woosmap Map JS API ?
If this is the case, I’m sorry but labels on Markers are not supported yet.
You’ll need to pre-build the marker images with your label like this icons:
marker = new woosmap.map.Marker({
position: {lat:30.064742, lng:31.249509},
icon: {
url: 'https://images.woosmap.com/1.png',
scaledSize: {
height: 27,
width: 27
Here is the woosmap.map.Marker reference class with currently available Methods and MarkersOptions.
Thanks for your feedback.
Please let me know if you require further information.
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November 18, 2021, 10:04am
Hello @gael , thanks for your response and your help
We are using Woosmap Map JS API, so it will not be possible to associate a label to a Marker.
So we will use a CDN to store all images which are numbered and use them inside the Marquer as an icon url…
Thank you again.
Have a nice day.
August 3, 2022, 2:01pm
Hello @Hamza ,
9 months later, we finally released the Marker Labels feature
const iconMarker = {
labelOrigin: new window.woosmap.map.Point(12, 12),
url: "https://images.woosmap.com/marker-red.png"
const marker = new window.woosmap.map.Marker({
position: myMap.getCenter(),
icon: iconMarker,
label: {
text: "1",
color: "white"
map: myMap
The following example displays labeled markers when you click on the map:
Developers documentation guides and reference are updated with this latest feature.
Best regards.
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