Manyfold Searches with Woosmap MultiSearch

product-multisearch Woosmap Multisearch JS Library helps you integrate a location search box as effectively as possible and cost-effective. With this tiny JavaScript library you can easily combine the following autocomplete services:

Autocomplete services are requested in your desired ordered. By comparing the user input to the returned results and computing a string matching score between these two values, the library can automatically switch to the next autocomplete service and thereby provide suggestions that better suits the needs.

Let’s see two common use cases in which the Multisearch Lib is helpful.

Find an Asset

Your users want to search for available products and services online, and find the best and most convenient location, make an appointment, or pick up an order. They want to get to your location as fast as possible. And you want to give them efficient online experiences that drive more visits to your physical locations, reduce calls to your customer support and increase user satisfaction.

The Multisearch can be implemented to find your point of interest by searching a city, a postal code or directly into your store’s names. We recommend the following api call order to address such case:

const multisearch = window.woosmap.multisearch({
   apiOrder: ["stores", "localities", "address"],

Autofill an Address Form

Does your application include an address form, such as the shipping address for an online order, a credit card billing address, or a ridesharing booking form? Woosmap MultiSearch Library can help users supply the details.

For this example, as the form focus on searching addresses, put the api order like this:

const multisearch = window.woosmap.multisearch({
    apiOrder: ["localities", "address", "places"],

The Autofill Address Form sample below demonstrates how to use the item.address_components returned from a woosmap.multisearch.detailsMulti() call to populate the address form.
When the user selects an address from the pick list, get the details of selected address and process it to fulfill the corresponding inputs of your form.

Woosmap Multisearch JS Library can be used in many areas like Retail, Catering, Home Delivery, Ride Sharing, Hospitality and Financial Services.

McDonald’s France was one of our first customers to integrate this library for their recruitment platform. Feel free to test the Multisearch autocomplete feature live:

What configuration for my use case?

The library implements a fallback system enabling to switch from one API to another. When the suggestion score is lower than the fallbackBreakpoint value set, the library will stop calling the corresponding API and switch to the next one (depending on the API order).
This system is flexible and can be manually adjusted for each API in order to be efficient for each of your specific use cases.

A default value is defined for each API:

API parameter name fallbackBreakpoint
Woosmap Search API (stores) store 1
Woosmap Localities API localities 0.4
Woosmap Address API address 0.5
Google Places API places 1

If your users focus on finding an asset (searching a store name, a city or a postal code), consider using the following configuration:

const multisearch = window.woosmap.multisearch({
    apiOrder: ["stores", "localities", "address"],
    store: {
        key: "woos-xxx",
        fallbackBreakpoint: false
    localities: {
        key: "woos-xxx",
        fallbackBreakpoint: 0.3
    address: {
        key: "woos-xxx",
        fallbackBreakpoint: 1

If your users are primarily seeking for an address, consider using the following configuration:

const multisearch = window.woosmap.multisearch({
    apiOrder: ["localities", "address", "places"],
    localities: {
        key: "woos-xxx",
        fallbackBreakpoint: 0.4,
        params: {
            types: ["address"]
    address: {
        key: "woos-xxx",
        fallbackBreakpoint: 0.5
    places: {
        key: "AIzaXxx",
        params: {
            types: ["address"]

To go further, don’t hesitate to read the documentation or contact us if you want some recommendations for your specific use cases.

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